Многолинейная резательная машина марки X07 100×130-1U-O

автор:admin время:2016/3/6 читать:1238 раз 【шрифты:большой в маленький

X07 100×130-1U-0 Multi- Wire Saw
 Application
The equipment is mainly used for slicing precious stone, carborundum, silicon, ceramics, glass, Ⅲ-Ⅴ compound (gallium arsenide, indium phosphide and so on) and other hard and fragile materials with high speed and accuracy.
Main features:
1. Equipped with precision temperature control system. High accuracy, low warp, stable production quality.
2. Could swinging slice, fitting for slicing carborundum and other high gragile materials. Easy operating and convenient maintenance.
3. Could use load transducer to measure the tension of the supply and coil cable. Wire tension is controlled by closed loop control system. It insures the stable wire tension during slicing.
4.Equipped with wire break monitor, alarm, automatic dead-stop of main unit, mortar tempreture monitoring and automatic alarming function, keeping slicing efficiency and surface quality of the hard and fragile materials.
5. Could set the max speed of cable-walking, accelerating/decelerating walking time, permanent walking time, swinging angle and speed of the main axis and moving speed of the worktable.
6. All of the following things could be displayed: length of the slicing line, mortar tempreture(could be set), slicing time, leaving slicing time, winding time, leaving winding time, leaving length of the line and the current slicing and winding process.
Main specifications
1. Capacity of process
Max. ingot dimensions:(width×height×length) :
swing cutting: 1240mm×150mm×160mm (1PC)
non-swing cutting: 280mm×150mm×160mm (1PC)
2. The main axis of the roller
 Main-axis parameter: φ110mm±7.5mm×165mm×3
 Axial distance of the guides:410mm
 Grooving distance of main-axis(min):0.25mm
3. Wire line
 Line speed(max):8m/s
 Diameter of stire wire: φ0.08mm~φ0.20mm
 Capacity of the supply line reel:10kg×1
 Resolution of tension: 0.1N
 The precision of tension control: 0.5N
 Slicing direction: double action or one-way
 Worktable vertical stroke: 225mm(max)
 Cutting speed: 0-10mm/min
 Rapid moving speed: 200mm/min
 Level angle of the workstable:0~±7.5deg
 Bite control: through deviation sensor of slicing line
5. Main-aixs swing
 Swing angel: ±5deg
 Swing speed of main-aixs: 0~2880deg/min
6. Sand tank
 Volume of the carborundum sand tank: 20L
 Volume of the silicon carbide sand tank: 50L
 Capacity: 20L
 Quatity of sand handling: 100L/min
 Tempreture control of mortar: heat exchanger and hod out-cooling
 Temperature:±2°
6. Motion unit power
 The motor of mian-axis: 6.6kW (AC servo)
 The motor of Wire: 5kW×2 (AC servo)
 The motor of rewinding and winding: 500W (AC servo)
 The up and down motor of worktable:(with decelerate) 500W (AC servo)
 The motor of tension control: 1.8×2 kW (AC servo)
 The swing motor of the main axis:(with decelerate) 1.8 kW (AC servo)
 The motor of Slurry pump: 2.2kW (Frequency conversion control)
 The motor of washing pump: 180W
 Oil mist recovery plant: 400W (matching)
 Refrigerating unit: 1KW (matching)
7. Dimension of machine(width×height×length): 2050 mm×1640 mm×1842mm
8. Weight: 3000kg

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